Web Hosting Control Panel’s Framework Installer
Kick–start your online project by making use of a PHP framework

Via the PHP Framework Installer incorporated in the UILhosting.com Web Hosting Control Panel, it’s easy to get a fresh PHP framework for your new project. You don’t have to seek the most up–to–date variant of a framework and also waste your time installing it. All you have to do is solely choose the location of the PHP framework and afterwards click the Install button.
Numerous frameworks readily available
Kick–start your web venture using a framework
From our UILhosting.com Web Hosting Control Panel, you are able to set up a well–known open–source PHP framework. We have prepared a number of the most popular frameworks which are now available on the www – CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII. You’ll be able to add every framework on any web site that is hosted with your hosting account.
UILhosting.com’s PHP Framework Installer tool is offered with all of the web hosting solutions which come with UILhosting.com’s Web Hosting Control Panel – shared web hosting service, Linux VPS web hosting service,dedicated service, and Linux semi-dedicated servers.
1–click PHP framework installation
Your PHP framework is merely a mouse click away
Installing a PHP framework can be hard and complex, because you eventually have to be sure you dig up the latest stable release as well as have expertise to configure it all by yourself. Using the PHP Framework Installer, we try to fix this issue. The Installer will let you set up a complete PHP framework in just a moment, without having any additional setup mandatory.
We’ve attempted to streamline the set up process a lot. All you should do is notify the Installer where exactly you would like your PHP framework to be put in place and the smart system will do all the rest.
1–click backup
The quickest way for you to back up a framework
In case you use significant business info, you might want to keep a backup of everything, especially when there are a variety of adjustments made. Through the PHP Framework Installer, you could make a backup of your framework with only a click. The system will generate the backup file and upload it within your account. We have not specified any kind of restriction on the amount of backups you could make or on the period when you’re able to make them.
Besides the manual backups which you create, additionally we run smart backups for all of your websites on a regular basis. That way, we provide you with a well designed and safeguarded backup solution for all your business project data.