When you purchase a new shared web hosting service, it's generated on a server and the entire process normally takes some time, in addition to the confirmation and processing of the transaction, which many companies make manually. When you get a dedicated server, for example, the installation takes even longer since the unit has to be built, installed and tried so as to guarantee that it will work effectively. This is the reason why many suppliers have a one-time fee so as to cover the time and efforts used on your brand new account. The cost, which sometimes is high, is often not mentioned on the main page, still you'll notice it on your checkout or payment page, therefore you won't be aware of it before you've already gone through the whole registration process and you can even miss it if you don't pay close attention.
Setup Fee in Shared Web Hosting
When you buy a shared web hosting plan from us, you'll never need to pay any setup fees. In fact, we don't have other obscured charges of any type too. We respect each and every customer and it is our belief that if you buy any sort of plan from us, you shouldn't pay something more than the fee for your website hosting plan. You will not see any sort of hidden charges after or before your order, which shows you that we are a reliable and trustworthy provider. The price of every shared website hosting plan will be the same everywhere on our website - the front page, the order and payment pages. Since we also provide immediate account activation, you won't need to wait for hours or days to be able to start creating your website.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages do not have any sort of setup charges, so if you order your new account, your total fee for the first month will be exactly the same as for the future renewals. Since it takes us a couple of min to set up and activate a new semi-dedicated account, we think that it wouldn't be right to charge you anything for that. You'll see the exact same amount on the front page, on your payment page and also on your bank or PayPal statement and you'll never have to pay any sort of extra costs. If you already have a regular shared website hosting account with our company and you need a more powerful alternative, we can even move all your content to the brand new semi-dedicated account completely free.
Setup Fee in VPS Servers
If you choose to buy a new Virtual Private Server from our company, the overall cost that you'll have to pay on registration is identical both on our main page as well as on your bank statement. We do not charge any type of setup fees or some other concealed costs over the VPS regular monthly cost. Despite the fact that the setup takes time, it is virtually completely automatic, so we think there is no reason to require anything extra for a couple of more clicks by us. If you currently have a shared hosting account from us and you order a virtual server equipped with the Hepsia Control Panel, we can transfer all of your information and even in this case, we'll never require that you pay anything more than the regular monthly price for the VPS server plan.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers
With a dedicated server purchased through our company, you'll never find any hidden charges and you'll never have to pay any setup charges. The price of the package you have selected is stated on our website and it is the sole price that you'll see on both the order and the payment pages. We think that having a new client and building a long-term relationship is more beneficial than charging you some extra dollars, so we will set up the machine, install all of the necessary software and check it out completely cost-free. We will even relocate your data totally free in case you already have a shared hosting package from us and you would like to progress to a dedicated server which is acquired with our Hepsia hosting Control Panel.